The 7 deadly sins in the Bible—pride, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, slothfulness, and greed—are dangerous behaviors that affect our relationship with God. The Bible warns against them and to avoid them.

7 Deadly Sins in the Bible
The 7 deadly sins in the Bible are behaviors that the Bible warns us about. They are pride, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, slothfulness, and greed. These sins can harm our relationship with God and with others.
Pope Gregory I listed these sins in the sixth century to help people understand them better. Although they are not listed in one Bible verse, they appear throughout the Bible. Many people struggle with these sins daily, and they can lead to serious consequences.
The Bible teaches that sin leads to death, but Jesus offers hope (Romans 6:23). Through repentance and faith, we can overcome these sins. God’s grace helps us live better and avoid the dangers of sinful behavior.
1. Pride
Pride is a serious sin that the Bible warns us about. It is thinking too highly of ourselves and forgetting our need for God. Pride makes us believe we are better than others, which leads to selfishness and arrogance. The Bible says, “Pride goes before destruction” (Proverbs 16:18), meaning that pride can lead to downfall.
Pride is a stumbling block that keeps people from accepting God’s truth. It makes us unwilling to listen to advice from elders or gifted teachers. When we are too proud, we think we know everything and refuse to learn from others. This can prevent spiritual growth and lead us away from God’s path.
In the church, pride can cause division and conflict. Some people may believe they are more important than others because of their talents or positions. They forget that all gifts come from God and should be used to serve others. Pride can create jealousy and competition instead of unity and love.
The Bible teaches that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6-7). Humility helps us recognize our weaknesses and depend on God. We should seek wisdom from Bible and listen to God’s word with open hearts.
Overcoming pride requires prayer and a willingness to change. By staying humble, we can grow closer to God and live better lives.
2. Wrath
Wrath, or uncontrolled anger, is a dangerous sin that can hurt both ourselves and others. The Bible teaches that anger does not produce the righteousness of God (James 1:20). When we allow anger to take control, it can lead to hurtful words and harmful actions. Wrath can damage relationships and create lasting pain.
Uncontrolled anger can destroy friendships, families, and even churches. It can cause people to act without thinking, leading to regret later. Many conflicts and fights happen because of anger that is not handled properly. The Bible warns us to be “slow to anger” and patient with others (James 1:19).
God wants us to confess our anger and ask for His help. Confession is important because it helps us recognize our mistakes and seek forgiveness (1 John 1:9). When we admit our anger to God, He is faithful to forgive us and cleanse our hearts. This allows us to start fresh and work on becoming more patient.
Jesus showed us the right way to handle anger. He was calm and patient, even when others treated Him unfairly. We should follow His example and choose love over anger. Confession and prayer can help us control our tempers and respond with kindness.
By controlling our anger and seeking God’s guidance, we can avoid the harmful effects of wrath. Confession, patience, and forgiveness lead to a peaceful life.
3. Envy
Envy is a harmful feeling that makes us jealous of what others have. It can make us feel unhappy with our own lives. When we focus too much on others’ success, we forget to be grateful for our own blessings. The Bible warns us against envy because it can lead to bitterness and anger.
Jealousy often creates unhealthy competitiveness. Instead of working hard to achieve our own goals, we may try to bring others down. Envy can make us conceited, thinking that we deserve more than others. This attitude damages friendships and creates division among people.
When we allow envy to grow, it can shrink our circle of friends. People may not want to be around someone who is always comparing and complaining. Instead of celebrating others’ success, an envious person feels angry or upset. This can lead to loneliness and unhappiness.
The Bible teaches us to be content with what we have (Hebrews 13:5; Philippians 4:12). God wants us to focus on our own journey and trust Him for our needs. When we stop comparing ourselves to others, we find peace and joy in our lives.
To overcome envy, we should practice gratitude and kindness. By being thankful for what we have, we can avoid the dangers of jealousy and live a happier life.
4. Lust
Lust is a powerful desire that can lead to impurity and sin. It often appears in the guise of love but is actually unhealthy and selfish. The Bible warns us against lust, saying, “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14). Lust can cloud our judgment and lead us to make choices that hurt ourselves and others.
Impurity caused by lust can destroy relationships and families. It can lead to immorality, which goes against God’s plan for love and marriage. Lust turns something beautiful, like love, into something harmful and sinful. When people give in to lust, they may feel empty and guilty afterward.
Lust is dangerous because it can control our thoughts and actions. It makes people focus on temporary pleasure instead of lasting joy. The Bible teaches us to “flee from sexual immorality” (1 Corinthians 6:18) because it harms our bodies and souls. Avoiding lust helps us stay pure and honor God with our lives.
God offers forgiveness to those who struggle with lust. If we confess our sins, He is ready to forgive us and make us clean. Through prayer and faith, we can overcome lust and live in purity.
To avoid lust, we should focus on what is good and pleasing to God. Filling our minds with pure thoughts and seeking God’s help will protect us from the dangers of lust.
5. Gluttony
Gluttony is the sin of overindulgence, which means taking more than we need. It is most commonly linked to food, but it can also include other things such as money or entertainment. The Bible warns us about overindulgence, teaching us to be self-controlled and disciplined. Philippians 3:19 says, “Their god is their stomach,” showing how gluttony can take control of our lives.
When people give in to indulgence, they focus too much on satisfying their desires. This can lead to unhealthy habits and a lack of self-control. Instead of enjoying things in moderation, they become consumed by their cravings. The Bible encourages us to avoid overindulgence and live balanced lives that honor God.
Gluttony can harm our bodies and minds. Eating too much can cause health problems, while indulging in other pleasures can distract us from important responsibilities. Proverbs 23:21 warns, “For drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.” This verse shows how gluttony can lead to laziness and poverty.
However, God offers forgiveness and help to those struggling with gluttony. If we confess our overindulgence, He can give us the strength to change. Through prayer and discipline, we can develop better habits and learn self-control.
Avoiding gluttony means practicing moderation and being thankful for what we have. When we rely on God for our needs, we can enjoy life without overindulging.
6. Slothfulness
Slothfulness is the sin of laziness, which means avoiding work and responsibilities. It can affect our daily lives, making us unproductive and careless. The Bible warns against laziness, saying, “The soul of the lazy man desires and has nothing” (Proverbs 13:4). When we become lazy, we miss out on opportunities and fail to reach our potential.
Spiritual laziness is even more dangerous because it affects our relationship with God. When people are spiritually lazy, they stop praying, reading the Bible, and seeking God’s guidance. This can lead to unfaithfulness and a weakened connection with God. Hebrews 6:12 encourages us, “Do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”
Slothfulness is insidious, meaning it slowly takes over our lives without us noticing. At first, it may seem harmless to delay tasks or avoid responsibilities, but over time it becomes a habit. This habit can make people feel stuck, unmotivated, and unable to achieve their goals. The Bible teaches us to be diligent and hardworking in everything we do.
God calls us to be faithful and committed in our work and spiritual lives. Confessing our laziness and asking for God’s help can bring change. Through prayer and effort, we can develop good habits and overcome slothfulness.
Overcoming slothfulness requires discipline and motivation. We should stay focused, set goals, and trust God to help us stay productive and faithful.
7. Greed
Greed is the selfish desire to have more than we need. It makes people put themselves as “number one” and ignore others. The Bible warns against greed, saying, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed” (Luke 12:15). When people focus too much on gaining wealth or possessions, they forget what truly matters in life.
Spiritual covetousness is a dangerous form of greed. It happens when people always want more blessings or power instead of being content with what God has given. This attitude can damage their relationship with God and others. The Bible teaches us to seek God’s kingdom first, not material things.
Materialism, or the love of wealth, is another sign of greed. People who are too focused on money and possessions often feel empty inside. They think that having more will make them happy, but it never satisfies their hearts. Proverbs 11:28 says, “He who trusts in his riches will fall.”
Greed can lead to selfishness and harm relationships. It makes people cheat, lie, and hurt others to get what they want. However, God calls us to be generous and to help those in need. Sharing with others brings true happiness and fulfillment.
To overcome greed, we must learn to be content and grateful. By trusting God to provide for our needs, we can avoid the trap of greed and live a meaningful life.
Resource Material
The 7 Deadly Sins in the Bible by Billy Graham
T-SHIRT: The 7 Deadly Sins (Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth)