The 9 Marks of a Healthy Church are not the only important marks but they are the most neglected.
The 9 Marks of a Healthy Church follows biblical principles in teaching, discipleship, membership, and leadership. These practices ensure spiritual growth, passion for ministry, and faithful witness to the lost.

9 Marks of a Healthy Church
A healthy church reflects God’s truth in teaching, living, and leadership. Churches must stay faithful to the Bible’s guidance and commands.
The “9 Marks of a Healthy Church” highlight key traits every church should practice. These include teaching, membership, discipline, evangelism, and leadership.
By focusing on these marks, churches grow spiritually, protect their mission, and present a faithful witness to the world around them.
1. Expositional Preaching
Expositional preaching is a method where pastors focus on a specific Bible passage and explain its meaning clearly and carefully. This type of preaching ensures that the main point of the sermon matches the main point of the Scripture being taught. It helps listeners understand what God is saying through His Word, rather than relying on the preacher’s personal opinions or ideas.
This approach is different from topical preaching, where sermons are built around themes or topics chosen by the preacher. While topical preaching may use verses from the Bible, it often focuses on supporting the preacher’s ideas instead of the Bible’s message. Expositional preaching, however, draws its authority directly from the passage, keeping the focus on God’s Word.
By using expositional preaching, churches grow in faith and knowledge of the Bible. It helps people apply God’s truth to their lives and avoid misunderstanding Scripture. This method strengthens both individual believers and the church as a whole.
2. Biblical Theology
Biblical theology is the study of God’s truth as revealed in the Bible. It focuses on understanding the Bible’s overall message and how its parts fit together. This type of theology helps believers see how God’s plan unfolds from Genesis to Revelation. It also ensures that what we believe aligns with God’s Word.
Good Biblical theology depends on careful study of Scripture. When pastors and teachers explain the Bible through expositional preaching, it leads to sound theology. Without proper study, people may misunderstand or misapply God’s Word, leading to confusion or false teachings. By examining the Bible closely, Biblical theology guards against these errors and strengthens our faith.
Biblical theology also shapes how we live as Christians. It helps us understand God’s character, His plan for salvation, and His instructions for holy living. By studying theology rooted in the Bible, we grow in wisdom, faith, and obedience to God.
3. Biblical Understanding of the Gospel
A Biblical understanding of the gospel begins with recognizing that all people are sinners who have disobeyed God. Sin separates us from God and makes us deserving of His judgment. The gospel teaches that Jesus took the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross and rising again. Through faith in Him, we can be forgiven and restored to a right relationship with God.
Many modern messages focus on felt needs, like improving self-esteem or solving personal problems, but this is not the gospel. While Jesus does care about our struggles, the true gospel addresses our deepest need—being saved from sin and eternal separation from God. It calls people to repent, turn away from sin, and trust in Jesus for salvation.
When the gospel is fully understood, it leads to life change. Repentance shows true faith, as believers turn from sin and put their faith in Jesus as the way, truth, and life (John 14:6). This good news gives hope and transforms lives forever.
4. Biblical Understanding of Conversion
A Biblical understanding of conversion teaches that it requires a spiritual transformation where a person is “born again” by God’s power. This means moving from spiritual death to life through faith in Jesus. Conversion is not just changing habits or improving behavior; it is a complete change of heart and nature.
True conversion results in a transformed life. When someone is born again, they begin to desire God’s ways and turn away from sin. This change may not always feel dramatic or emotional, but it will show through a life that reflects God’s work. A truly converted person becomes a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
A changed life produces fruit, which includes qualities like love, kindness, and patience. These fruits show evidence of genuine faith and transformation. Conversion is not just a one-time decision but a lifelong journey of growing closer to God and living out His will.
5. Biblical Understanding of Evangelism
A Biblical understanding of evangelism means sharing the full gospel, including both the easy and hard parts. The easy part states the good news that Jesus offers forgiveness, love, and eternal life. The hard part explains that we are sinners who have rebelled against God and need to repent. Both parts are necessary for a true understanding of salvation.
Some people only share the easy parts of the gospel to avoid offending others, but this leads to a weak message. Leaving out sin, repentance, and judgment makes the gospel incomplete and may result in false conversions. True evangelism includes the hard truths, trusting that God will work in people’s hearts through His Word.
Sharing the full gospel shows faithfulness to God and love for others. When we tell the whole truth, people have the opportunity to understand their need for Jesus and truly follow Him. Biblical evangelism changes lives and strengthens the church.
6. Biblical Understanding of Membership
A Biblical understanding of membership sees it as both a privilege and a responsibility. Being a church member means belonging to a family of believers who follow Jesus together. It is a privilege to worship, serve, and grow in faith with others who share the same hope in Christ.
Membership also comes with responsibility. Members should show commitment by regularly attending services, praying for the church, serving others, and giving faithfully. This commitment helps maintain the integrity of the church (Doctrinal Stance) and ensures it functions as a strong, unified body. Members support one another and work together to share the gospel with the world.
Churches must be careful about who becomes and remains a member. When membership is taken seriously, it strengthens the church, honors God, and helps members grow in their faith and responsibility to the body of Christ.
7. Biblical Church Discipline
Biblical church discipline is about lovingly correcting members who stray from God’s teachings. Discipline is not about punishment but helping believers return to God’s ways. When someone in the church sins or spreads false teachings, it is the church’s responsibility to address the issue with kindness and truth.
Reproof, or pointing out wrongdoing, is an important part of church discipline. This should be done privately first, giving the person a chance to understand and change. If they refuse, further steps may involve involving church leaders or the congregation. The goal is always to restore the person’s relationship with God and others.
Discipline also includes instruction, teaching believers to follow God’s Word and grow in holiness. A church that practices discipline shows love for its members and protects the community’s faith. When done properly, it builds a strong, faithful church that honors God and lives out His truth.
8. Promotion of Church Discipleship and Growth
The promotion of church discipleship and growth is essential for the spiritual health of the church. Discipleship involves teaching believers to follow Jesus closely and live according to His Word. A true disciple is committed to learning, growing, and serving God with their whole life. Churches should focus on raising up committed disciples who are deeply rooted in God’s teachings.
Disciples are not just followers but also students of God’s Word. They spend time studying the Bible, praying, and applying what they learn to their daily lives. A disciple’s goal is to grow in understanding and obedience to God, which leads to spiritual maturity. This growth is seen in how they live, serve others, and share the gospel.
True disciples bear fruit in their lives. Fruit can be seen in their actions, attitudes, and the way they influence others. By promoting discipleship, churches help believers grow stronger in faith and encourage the spiritual growth of the entire congregation. This healthy growth reflects God’s work in their lives.
9. Biblical Understanding of Leadership
A Biblical understanding of leadership in the church involves the role of elders, who are chosen to guide and teach the congregation. Elders must be able to teach the Bible clearly and lead by example. Their main responsibility is to help the church grow spiritually by sharing God’s truth and offering guidance and prayer.
A healthy church should have a plurality of elders, meaning there should be more than one elder to lead. This ensures shared leadership, accountability, and the wisdom of multiple perspectives. With a group of elders, decisions are made together, preventing the pressure of leadership falling on just one person. This model follows Biblical principles and supports a balanced leadership structure.
Gifted teachers also play an essential role in church leadership. These individuals help explain Scripture in a way that is clear and understandable. They equip the congregation to grow in faith and live out God’s Word. When leadership is properly understood and practiced, it strengthens the entire church and builds a faithful community.
In conclusion, the 9 Marks of a Healthy Church provide a clear guide for building strong, faithful communities. Each mark is rooted in Scripture and aims to help the church grow spiritually. When followed, these marks lead to a church that honors God and fulfills its mission.
A healthy church is one that teaches the Bible faithfully, practices discipline, and encourages deep discipleship. Church leadership, membership, and evangelism must all align with Biblical principles to maintain the church’s integrity and witness.
By prioritizing these marks, churches can create environments where believers grow in their faith, share the gospel, and live out God’s truth. This leads to stronger communities that reflect the love and power of Christ.
Resource Material
9 Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever
Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson
Christ-Centered Preaching by Bryan Chapell
How To Preach Without Notes by Charles Koller
How To Prepare Bible Messages by James Braga