Learning the mechanical layout of the Scriptures will help you see the relationships between words, phrases and clauses in sentences. Therefore you will see how these words, phrases or clauses fit into the overall meaning of the Scriptures you are studying. To put it another way, the mechanical layout of the Scriptures is simply outlining the thought patterns in a … [Read more...] about The Mechanical Layout of the Scriptures
The WORD Bible Study Method
The WORD Bible Study Method is one way to study the Bible while doing your daily devotions. The WORD Bible Study Method is an ACRONYM for: 1) Write, 2) Observe, 3) Relevant and 4) Declare. By following this method of Bible study, you will develop a deeper and richer walk with Jesus. The WORD Bible Study Method I am a great believer in daily devotions and I am a great … [Read more...] about The WORD Bible Study Method
The SOAP Method of Bible Study
The SOAP Method of Bible Study is an ACRONYM that stands for: 1) Scripture, 2) Observation, 3) Application and 4) Prayer. The SOAP Method of Bible study is one way to experience a deeper walk with Jesus in the midst of a busy lifestyle. Why Use The SOAP Method of Bible Study? The SOAP Method of Bible study helps individuals spend inspirational time with God which is … [Read more...] about The SOAP Method of Bible Study
How To Write Expository Sermon Outlines For Beginners
When I started out in ministry, I had to write three weekly sermons. I quickly learned how to garner biblical information from the text and shape that information into a biblical message that spoke to my audiences. In other words, I learned very quickly how to write expository sermon outlines so that I could delivers sermons to my listeners. I had learned the fundamentals of … [Read more...] about How To Write Expository Sermon Outlines For Beginners
10 Best Books on Preaching For Beginners
I have been preaching weekly sermons for thirty years or so and I have learned a thing or two about preaching. I have survived all these years because I learned how to package biblical information for delivery to my audience. It’s not that preachers struggle with compiling biblical information. It’s more that preachers struggle with how to package that information for … [Read more...] about 10 Best Books on Preaching For Beginners
How To Write An Expository Sermon
How To Write An Expository Sermon: When I first heard the phrase “expository preaching,” I wasn’t quite sure what that implied. As I studied the characteristics of expository preaching in seminary and began preaching in the ministry, I learned how to write expository sermons. In its simplest terms, expository sermons teach the Scriptures verse by verse in a sermon outline or … [Read more...] about How To Write An Expository Sermon
How To Write A Sermon Outline 101
How To Write A Sermon Outline 101: I have been preaching weekly sermons for nearly thirty years now and students often ask what is most needed in sermon preparation? I tell students that they need to understand the basic structures of a sermon. They need to understand the three parts of the sermon, the three parts of the sermon outline and the three basic structures of the … [Read more...] about How To Write A Sermon Outline 101
How To Write A Sermon 101
How To Write a Sermon 101: I have been asked many times by students how do you write multiple weekly sermons for such a long time (nearly three decades now) and still enjoy doing it? I learned very early in ministry to write a sermon in manageable parts. I study the text from which I craft the sermon outline. I write content to the sermon outline with appropriate … [Read more...] about How To Write A Sermon 101
How To Write A Sermon For Beginners
How To Write A Sermon For Beginners: I have been writing weekly sermons for nearly thirty years or so and I have learned much in that time about writing sermons. Students often ask me for tips for writing sermons for beginners. I remind them that good sermons are never accidents and I usually share with them the following five tips that will help them prepare a sermon for … [Read more...] about How To Write A Sermon For Beginners
How To Write A 3 Point Sermon
How to write a 3 point sermon: Just about everyone has heard of the 3 point sermon. Yes, there are several ways to write a sermon. However, the 3 point sermon seems to be the most favored among preachers and audiences. The key to writing any sermon is the structure. You need to grasp how the sermon is structured and this is what I will look at in this article, the structure … [Read more...] about How To Write A 3 Point Sermon
How To Write A Sermon Step by Step
How To Write A Sermon Step by Step: I have been writing weekly sermons for nearly three decades now and I have never found sermon writing easy. However, I have developed a weekly routine that has made sermon writing easier and enjoyable. I teach homiletics to students and they often ask me about the steps that I take to write weekly sermons for my congregation. I have penned … [Read more...] about How To Write A Sermon Step by Step
Sermon Outlines
Sermon Outlines: The key to writing sermons is the sermon outline. Once you master sermon outlines, you will find writing sermons a pleasure. Sermon outlines provide roadmaps for your sermons. I never write sermons until I complete the sermon outlines. There are three basic methods for sermon outlines. Once you master these methods, you will write sermons with ease. The … [Read more...] about Sermon Outlines
I have been writing and preaching sermons for nearly three decades. I am a very structured person when it comes to disseminating information. I like to organise sermons with a natural progressive flow. However, it has not always been that way. Let me explain! Sermons In the early years of my ministry, I struggled writing two or so sermons a week. When I was studying … [Read more...] about Sermons
Sermon Products
Here are some sermon products for your consideration! When it comes to writing sermons and sermon outlines, good resources and sermon products are often beneficial. I have provided several products and resources that may help you in ministry. Sermon Products 1. 16 Sermons From Philippians Over the years, I have preached through many books of the Bible and I have … [Read more...] about Sermon Products
16 Sermons From Philippians
16 sermons from Philippians are a collection of preaching sermons. These sermons are full manuscript sermons which cover the whole book of Philippians verse by verse. If you have been preaching for some time, you will know that it takes many years of education and experience to write preaching sermons that teach God's word to God's people. These sermons from … [Read more...] about 16 Sermons From Philippians
Sermons That Work
Sermons That Work: People often ask: "What makes a sermon work?" After many years of preaching sermons, I find that sermons that work are biblical, structured and well illustrated. Sermons That Work There is one more ingredient that makes a sermon work. The sermon must be yours. I have never preached another person's sermon. Yes, I get ideas from other preachers. … [Read more...] about Sermons That Work
How To Write A Sermon
How To Write a Sermon? I have put together a series of videos that explain how to write a sermon. I have noted some resources that will help you further understand how to write a sermon. There is a lot involved in writing sermons, more than this web page can provide. Therefore, this series of videos looks at the structural side of writing sermons and sermon … [Read more...] about How To Write A Sermon
Free Funeral Sermons
Free Funeral Sermons: I have never found writing a funeral sermon or planning a funeral service easy. Death is never an easy topic to deal with especially if it relates to non-believers and young people. However, over the years I have compiled a number of resources that has helped me in the process of writing funeral sermons and planning funeral services that are sensitive … [Read more...] about Free Funeral Sermons