Sermon information – Sermon writing is never easy but it does get easier over time.
After many years (20+) of writing and preaching sermons, I have learned a thing or two about writing sermons, sermon outlines and sermons that work.
I created this website in order to share some of that information that has helped me write sermons with ease.
Sermons have structure – introduction, body and conclusion. Learn how structure can make sermon writing easier!
What method do you use in the presentation of your sermons? Do you use the deductive method, inductive method or a bit of both? Learn how to write deductive sermons, inductive sermons or bit of both sermons!
There are different types of sermons – topical, expository and evangelistic. What is the best way to write topical, expository or evangelistic sermons?
Sermon Outlines
Sermon outlines have three parts – main preaching point, sub-points and incidental points. Learn how structure can make sermon outlining easier!
Never write a sermon until you have completed your sermon outline! Learn why it is important to write your sermon outline first before you add content to your sermon!
Your sermon outline is the road map for the presentation of your sermon. Learn how your sermon outline will keep you on track when you are in the pulpit.
Sermons That Work
What makes a sermon work? That’s a fairly valid question!
Sermons that work are biblical, structured and well illustrated.
Learn how to prepare sermons that work so that you can engage your congregation with principles and truths from God’s word!
Free Online Sermons
One of the best ways to learn sermon writing and sermon outlining is to have access to plenty of examples.
Sermon information will provide sermons and sermon outlines to help you learn how to prepare and write messages for your congregation.
Sermon Products
You can purchase 16 Sermons From Philippians. These 16 Sermons From Philippians are full manuscripts. Over 140 pages of sermons for $9.95. All the hard work is done!
You can also purchase The Hermeneutical Maze for $4.95. The Hermeneutical Maze is a research paper I completed for my theological degree.
Resource Articles
In the resource articles section, you will find miscellaneous articles.
These miscellaneous articles relate to topics like: believer’s baptism , leadership development, escatology (end times), spiritual warfare, hermeneutics, homiletics, funeral memorial poems, holiness, justification, sanctification, marriage and much more.
Related Resources
I have several other websites that you can check out for more information relating to sermon writing and preparation.