Here are some sermon products for your consideration! When it comes to writing sermons and sermon outlines, good resources and sermon products are often beneficial. I have provided several products and resources that may help you in ministry.
Sermon Products

1. 16 Sermons From Philippians
Over the years, I have preached through many books of the Bible and I have used the same method to write and outline all these sermons.
However, I must say that I find writing and outlining sermons much easier these days.
Good resources and products are a necessary part of learning the process of writing and outlining sermons.
I have made these 16 Sermons From Philippians available to help preachers write and outline sermons. Sometimes it just helps to see how someone else has written and outlined messages.
These 16 Preaching Sermons are full manuscripts and they cover the whole book of Philippians.
Also, there are 16 Sermon Outlines From Philippians that will show you how I outline sermons. I have used the deductive method to outline these sermons.
If you want to purchase these sermons, click on the following link – 16 Sermons From Philippians.

2. The Hermeneutical Maze
One of the first disciplines I learned in my theological degree was hermeneutics.
I found the subject so informative and important to the formation of biblical truth that I decided to write a research paper in my fourth year to help me fully grasp and teach the subject when I went into ministry.
When we read the Bible, we all interpret the Bible. The Hermeneutical Maze looks at four key terms that define the interpretive process – hermeneutics, exegesis, exposition and pre-understanding.
The Hermeneutical Maze examines the different methods of interpretation. It looks at the hermeneutics of typology and prophecy. It considers the hermeneutics concerning the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament. It also has a teaching syllabus in order to reinforce all the above.
You can purchase this research paper and teaching syllabus by clicking on the following link – The Hermeneutical Maze.

3. Funeral Sermon Outlines
It is never easy to plan and write funeral sermons. Death is not a topic that we discuss often and it usually comes unexpectedly.
It is advantageous to have numerous resources on hand to help in the process of planning and writing funeral sermons and funeral services.
Funeral Sermon Outlines is a resource you can use to glean ideas and information to help you prepare funeral sermons and funeral services.
Because we are all different when it comes to preparing and presenting funeral sermons, it is very difficult to copy someone else’s message.
However, we can glean ideas and information from other people so that we can put together sermons and messages that reflect our style and personality.
The material provided in Funeral Sermon Outlines is another resource for those who officiate funeral services.

4. Funeral Memorial Poems
Another great resource for ministers is funeral memorial poems.
There are usually several segments associated with funeral services and often a poem can present a message of hope for those grieving a loved one.
Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep provides resources for funeral and memorial services. These resources include funeral memorial poems, quotations and readings and Bereavement For Beginners, which is a resource for those working with people going through the grieving process.
Click on the following link for more information – Funeral Resources.

5. Baptism For Children
You are a loving parent. You want to prepare your child for believer’s baptism. Your are thinking: What’s the best way to prepare my child for baptism?
As a believer you want your child’s baptism to be a special moment in their spiritual journey. We all want our children to experience their baptism as something much more than just an outdated church ritual.
However, it is very difficult to find resources to prepare children for baptism so that they can understand the importance of believer’s baptism.
Baptism for Children is a resource that will assist you in answering the question: What is baptism all about? It also explains that baptism reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection. These lessons also look at why water is a special element for baptism and how baptism shows that we have placed our trust in Jesus Christ.