The SOAP Method of Bible Study is an ACRONYM that stands for: 1) Scripture, 2) Observation, 3) Application and 4) Prayer. The SOAP Method of Bible study is one way to experience a deeper walk with Jesus in the midst of a busy lifestyle.

Why Use The SOAP Method of Bible Study?
The SOAP Method of Bible study helps individuals spend inspirational time with God which is essential for nurturing a dynamic walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.
When it comes to spending time with God through daily devotions, it is necessary to keep it super simple (KISS). The SOAP Method of Bible study will assist you in this way so that you can get to know Jesus better in your faith journey.
You will need a Bible, a pencil, a writing pad and about fifteen to twenty minutes of your precious time. Once you do this on a regular basis, it will become a habit and a part of your Christian journey.
The SOAP Method of Bible study is not simply reading the Bible. It is much more than that. It is a method of Bible study that helps you interact with the word of God in order to discover the principles of life that will help you walk through life with a godly perspective. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).
The Meaning of the SOAP Acronym
S – Scripture
The “S” stands for Scripture. The first step is to write down the Scripture verse in a note book. Writing down the Scripture verse seems to help in grasp the meaning of the verse.
If you read large portions of Scripture, just write down the Scripture verses that spoke to you from that reading.
O – Observation
The “O” stands for observation. The second step encourages you to interact with the Scripture verses. You ask yourself several questions like: what do you see? What stands out? What didn’t you notice before? Is there repetition? Is there comparison and contrast?
During this process you are asking yourself: What do I see and what does it mean? You are basically observing and interpreting the Scripture verse or passage.
A – Application
The “A” stands for application. Knowing the truth is not the same as experiencing the truth in your journey with Jesus. Therefore, this step leads you to make the word of God personal in your walk with God.
You need to ask the following question: What is God saying to me today? How can I make this truth real in my walk with Jesus today? Do I need to make some changes in my life? Do I need to take action for those changes to take place?
P – Prayer
The “P” stands for prayer. We often forget to pray into practice what we have learned in our Scripture reading. Therefore, this step involves asking God to work in your life the principles or truths you learned in your reading.
It is said that prayer is the seed that falls on the good soil in your heart so that it will take root and produce fruit in your life.
First Example of the SOAP Method
S – Scripture
The Scripture reading comes from John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
O – Observation
When I interact with the Scripture verse in John 3:16, I observe three magnificent pictures of the greatness of God.
The first picture I see of the greatness of God is the greatness of his love for us. Second I see the greatness of his sacrifice by giving his son as the atonement for sin.
Third I see the greatness of his promise in that if we believe in Jesus, then we will not perish but have everlasting life.
A – Application
When I meditate upon the fact that “God so loved the world,” I am reminded of just how special I am to God – that Jesus loved me and died for me so that I could have everlasting life. How awesome is that!
When I meditate upon the fact that “he gave his only begotten son,” it reminds me of his sacrifice for my sins. When I think about the fact that my sins put Jesus on the Cross, I am humbled by that truth.
When I meditate upon the fact that “whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life, I reminded of the promises of God – the promise that all believers have everlasting life!
P – Prayer
When I prayed in light of the truths from John 3:16, I simply thanked God for his love, sacrifice and promise to me – a sinner saved by the grace of God. I also prayed that I would constantly see that I am special to God and that should permeate all that I do in life. I also prayed that I would be mindful of these truths about God when I associated with other people looking for opportunities to share God’s love, sacrifice and promise with them.

Second Example of the SOAP Method
S – Scripture
The Scripture reading comes from 1 Peter 4:7-11: “But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. And above all things have fervent love for one another … be hospitable to one another without grumbling. As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another as good steward … if anyone speaks, speak as the oracles of God. If anyone serves, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies….”
O – Observation
When I interact with this passage of Scripture, I observed that we live in the shadow of the Lord’s return and therefore we need to be alert and watchful in our prayers.
We also need to be fervent in our love for one another. We need to be hospitable to others without grumbling and we need to minister our gifts according to our giftedness.
I found that there were four key words in this passage of Scripture – prayer, love, hospitality and ministry.
A – Application
When I meditate on the nearness of the Lord’s return, it encourages me to pray wisely and intentionally.
When I meditate upon my need as a Christian to show fervent love as I journey through life, it reminds me of my need for Jesus in my life! Without Jesus in my daily walk, I can be just as unloving as any other sinner.
When I meditate on hospitality, it reminds me of the importance of reaching out to those around me and showing kindness to them. Of course, I must do that without grumbling.
When I meditate upon the gifts that God has given to me, I am reminded that I am only a steward of those gifts and therefore must use them as I serve him in the church and in the world.
P – Prayer
As I pray, I ask God to help to me to realize that Jesus could come back at any time and therefore, I need to be prayerful, loving, hospitable and ministering.