Resource Articles

Resource Articles

Hi There! This webpage is all about articles. These resource articles are generally about topics related to some facet of our Christian experience, whether it be about believer's baptism, planning a daily quiet time, homiletics, hermeneutics, a happy marriage or how to create your own church website.

These articles are listed in alphabetically order.

Believer's Baptism Explained

Believer's Baptism is explained by two actions. Believe and be baptized.

When Peter proclaimed the gospel in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, he said, "Repent and be baptized, everyone of you..." (Acts 2:38). "Those who accepted his message were baptized..." (Acts 2:41). To read more...

Different Types of Prayer

Prayer is communication with God, that is, the God of the Bible. God communicates with us through His word and we communicate with God through prayer.

And the majesty of prayer is that God hears us. He hears us because He is always present. In theological terms we call this the omnipresent of God. To read more...

Do Good People Go To Heaven

A radio Bible program asked it listeners to respond to this following question: How do you get to heaven? Their responses were varied.To read more...

Hermeneutics 101

To understand biblical hermeneutics in the interpretive process, it is essential to define the terms used within this field of study. The four key terms that need defining in the interpretive process are.... To read more...

Homiletics 101

Generally speaking, most preachers learn how to prepare a sermon in seminary - that is the science of homiletics.

However, most preachers (myself included) fine-tuned their sermon preparation in the ministry. To read more...

How To Be Happy in Marriage

Men often marry without knowing how to talk to their wife. They are often unaware of their wife's sensitive nature. They don't understand a woman's physical cycles and the hormonal changes she experiences. They often trivalize what is extremely important to them - things like anniversaries, birthdays and holidays.

Likewise, many women enter marriage not understanding the needs of their husband. And because of this, both husband and wife lack the ability to meet each other's needs. To read more...

How To Plan A Daily Quiet Time With God

When I first bacame a Christian, I was encouraged by my church family to consider planning a daily quiet time with God. I found that there were three key elements to a daily quiet time. To read more...

How To Study The Bible For Yourself

These days personal Bible study is an essential part of the Chrisitan Church. More and more people are studying the Bible for themselves.

Putting all things aside, personal Bible study really comes down to four processes. Four processes that will help you to be consistent in your interpretation and application of the Scriptures. more...

Justification and Sanctification

What is the difference between justification and sanctification? Is there a difference between justification and sanctification? Answering these questions is important if we are to understand the Christian journey.

To begin with, there is a difference between justification and sanctification and it is absolutely important that we understand the difference. more...

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is a term that is readily used within organizations and churches. Therefore, it is important to understand what mentoring is. Here are some definitions. To read more...

Who is Your Toughest Leadership Challenge?

Leadership is about leading and influencing those over you - the board or elders. Furthermore, you need to lead your colleagues, usually in peer-group settings. Leadership is 360, you lead up, down and laterally.

However, effective leaders not only lead up, down and laterally, they also learn to lead.... To read more...

Related Resources

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